How to select all BD data and do a repeat word count?


Viewed 662 times


Well, the words part is relatively easy. But I can only count one word at a time. It would be possible to do a complete analysis in the database and count all the repeated words, and put the number of times it is repeated next to the word?

Like, I have 5 records in the database and I want to analyze just the TAGS column

1st Record : Php, Mysql, Java

2nd Record : MYSQL, Apostille, Java

3rd Registration : Microsoft, C++, Java

4th Registration : C++, Apostille, Java

5th Record : Apostille, Mysql, Java

As a result I’d like something like this :

Analysis result : Java (5); Mysql (3); Apostille (3); C++ (2); Microsoft (1);

As you can see, in the possible result, the code compares all existing words and count them the same, then displays them in a "grouped"

  • 2

    Instead of storing tags separated by comma, better create a table registro_tags. Take the example: Sqlfiddle. To separate this data will be necessary a function.

  • This type of operation is best performed in the database (with features such as full text search). Doing purely in your PHP application, you will have to read all the records one by one and do this checking with the traditional functions for strings.

  • @luciorubeens create an answer.

2 answers


What you describe can be done via Mysql without PHP.

Given the way you have the records, my suggestion is to use a temporary table to insert a record for each value that is separated by comma and then select from that temporary table with the count:

  1. To simulate your table:

    CREATE TABLE minhaTabela
        (`id` int, `nome` varchar(100), `tags` varchar(255))
    INSERT INTO minhaTabela
        (`id`, `nome`, `tags`)
        (1, "Gabe♦", 'Php, Mysql, Java'),
        (2, "bfavaretto♦", 'MYSQL, Apostila, Java'),
        (3, "utluiz♦", 'Microsoft, C++, Java'),
        (3, "John", 'C++, Apostila, Java'),
        (3, "Doe", 'Apostila, Mysql, Java')
  2. Pass values to a temporary table:

    CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE temp (val CHAR(255));
    SET @S1 = CONCAT("INSERT INTO temp (val) VALUES ('",REPLACE((SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT `tags`) AS data FROM `minhaTabela`), ",", "'),('"),"');");
    PREPARE stmt1 FROM @s1;
    EXECUTE stmt1;
  3. Select words and count the number of occurrences:

    SELECT val, count(*) FROM temp GROUP BY LOWER(TRIM(val));

Result obtained:

SQL Fiddle

│ val       │ count(*) │
│ Apostila  │    3     │
│ C++       │    2     │
│ Java      │    5     │
│ Microsoft │    1     │
│ Mysql     │    3     │
│ Php       │    1     │

To use on the PHP side using PDO:

/* Dados da ligação à base de dados
$dbcon = array(
    "host"     => 'localhost',
    "dbname"   => 'minhaBaseDados',
    "username" => 'utilizador',
    "password" => 'password'

/* Ligar à base de dados
$dbh = new PDO(
        PDO::ATTR_PERSISTENT               => false,
        PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE                  => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION,
        PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND       => "SET NAMES utf8"

/* Ler os dados para uma tabela temporária
$sql = "
SET @S1 = CONCAT(\"INSERT INTO temp (val) VALUES ('\",REPLACE((SELECT GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT `tags`) AS data FROM `minhaTabela`), \",\", \"'),('\"),\"');\");
PREPARE stmt1 FROM @s1;
EXECUTE stmt1";

$sth = $dbh->prepare($sql);

/* Recolher a informação
$sth = $dbh->query("SELECT val, count(*) AS total FROM temp GROUP BY LOWER(TRIM(val))");

while ($row = $sth->fetch()) {
    echo '<p>A palavra '.$row->val.' está repetida '.$row->total.' '.($row->total==1?'vez':'vezes').'.</p>';

/* Matar a ligação e o script
$dbh = null;


Suppose the array $registros be the records you pulled from the database. We will create an array $tags with the count for each tag.

$tagCount = [];
foreach ($registros as registro) {
    $tags = explode(',', $registro['tags']);
    foreach ($tags as $tag) {
        $tag = trim($tag);
        if (!isset($tagCount[$tag])) {
            $tagCount[$tag] = 0;

Then you just order:

usort($tagCount, function($a, $b) {
    return $a > $b;
} );

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