Vehicle registration with PHP and Mysql


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Good morning, I’m starting in php and Mysql. I’m trying to develop a system for registering a vehicle (with photo), and studying a little, I got into php language together with MYSQL. It turned out that I generated my scripts, but no error message appears and does not save the data in my database. Can anyone help me?

index.php file


    $marca = isset( $_POST ['marca']) ? $_POST['marca']:null;
    $modelo = isset( $_POST ['modelo']) ? $_POST['modelo']:null;
    $ano = isset( $_POST ['ano']) ? $_POST['ano']:null;
    $msg = false;
    $extensao = strtolower(substr($_FILES['arquivo']['name'], -4)); //pega a extensao do arquivo
    $novo_nome = md5(time()) . $extensao; //define o nome do arquivo
    $diretorio = "upload/"; //define o diretorio para onde enviaremos o arquivo
    move_uploaded_file($_FILES['arquivo']['tmp_name'], $diretorio.$novo_nome); //efetua o upload

    $sql_code = "INSERT INTO veiculos (id, marca, modelo, ano, arquivo, data) VALUES(null, '$marca', '$modelo', '$ano', '$novo_nome', NOW())";
      $msg = "Arquivo enviado com sucesso!";
      $msg = "Falha ao enviar arquivo.";


<title>Cadastro de veículos</title>
<?php if(isset($msg) && $msg != false) echo "<p> $msg </p>"; ?>
    <form action="index.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
        Marca: <input name="marca" type="text">
        Modelo: <input name="modelo" type="text">
        Ano: <input name="ano" type="text">
        Arquivo: <input type="file" required name="arquivo">
        <input type="submit" value="Cadastrar">

File class/connected.php

    $host = "localhost";
    $usuario = "root";
    $senha = "";
    $bd = "sitemoraes";
    $mysqli = new mysqli($host, $usuario, $senha, $bd);
            echo "Falha na conexão: (".$mysqli->connect_errno.") ".$mysqli->connect_error;

Print of the database: Print do banco de dados

-EDIT- After the changes that Jackson and anonymity recommended, the script still doesn’t work. Does not save anything in the database and returns the "Failed to send file."

  • Hello Guga, first thing, leave it this way: $sql_code = "INSERT INTO veiculos (marca, modelo, ano, arquivo, data) VALUES('$marca', '$modelo', '$ano', '$novo_nome', NOW())";, like the ID is an auto increment, you should not send it in the code.

  • Like the field id is a primary key it can not be NULL. In his INSERT change NULL for DEFAULT or in the manner indicated by Jackson.

  • Thanks for your help with the code.. I did it Jackson’s way and yours anonymously, but in both cases now appears the message "Failed to send file." and does not send anything to the database.

  • Guga, give a var_dump($_FILES['arquivo']) and see if this guy is returning anything... I suspect that the fact that no message appears may be the fact that he is not entering the if()...

  • Jacson, var dump is giving: 'name' => string 'Moraesaltini.png' (length=16) 'type' => string 'image/png' (length=9) 'tmp_name' => string 'C: wamp64 tmp phpEFD.tmp' (length=24) 'error' => int 0 'size' => int 607658 'size' => int 0

  • Check the values of $marca, $modelo, $ano, $novo_nome before entering into the database. All your columns are NOT NULL. Modify your script to use Prepared statements because the way you’re doing your code is susceptible to attack.

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