I’m having a hard time playing recovered values from a bench to fields of a form for later edition, I’ve read the documentation, I’ve looked for examples and even then I couldn’t, I’ve even checked a post that you have right here in the OS.
To display the information when the calendar is called is right, the script that does this is this.
The page that lists events: pListaAgendamento.php
// AGENDAMENTOS $sqlAgenda = "SELECT * FROM dvsAgendaSala"; $stm = $conexao->prepare($sqlAgenda); $stm->execute(); $ResAgenda = $stm->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); // FECHANDO A CONSULTA $stm->closeCursor(); $eventos = []; foreach ($ResAgenda as $ResAgendamento) { $eventos[] = [ 'id' => $ResAgendamento->Id, 'idsalareuniao' => $ResAgendamento->IdSalaReuniao, 'title' => $ResAgendamento->Motivo, 'start' => $ResAgendamento->DataHoraInicial, 'end' => $ResAgendamento->DataHoraFinal, 'tipo' => $ResAgendamento->IdTipo, 'FoneResponsavel' => $ResAgendamento->FoneResponsavel, 'EmailResponsavel' => $ResAgendamento->FoneResponsavel, ]; }
The values ID
, title
, start
and end
which are taken from the calendar itself are played on the corresponding inputs correctly, but the FoneResponsavel
, EmailResponsavel
and idsalareuniao
What I tried to do can be seen here on the page personalizado.js
document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () { var calendarEl = document.getElementById('calendar'); // DATA E HORA ATUAL var dataatual = new Date(); var calendar = new FullCalendar.Calendar(calendarEl, { locale: 'pt-br', plugins: ['interaction', 'dayGrid', 'timeGrid' ], defaultView: 'dayGridMonth', defaultDate: dataatual, header: { left: 'prev,next today', center: 'title', right: 'dayGridMonth,timeGridWeek,timeGridDay' }, editable: true, eventLimit: true, events: 'pListaAgendamento.php', FoneResponsavel: FoneResponsavel, EmailResponsavel: EmailResponsavel, extraParams: function () { return { cachebuster: new Date().valueOf() }; }, // DISPARA EVENTO QUANDO USUÁRIO CLICA NO LINK eventClick: function (info) { // RESGATE DAS INFORMAÇÕES DO PROJETO VINDO DA PÁGINA list_eventos.php // info CONTÊM AS INFORMAÇÕES DA API info.jsEvent.preventDefault(); console.log(info.event); // TEXTO PARA VISUALIZAR DETALHES $('#visualizar #Id').text(info.event.id); $('#visualizar #Motivo').text(info.event.title); // VALORES PARA EDIÇÃO $('#visualizar #Id').val(info.event.id); $('#visualizar #Motivo').val(info.event.title); $('#visualizar #Telefone').val(event.FoneResponsavel); $('#visualizar #Email').val(event.EmailResponsavel); // FORMATA A DATA PARA O PATRÃO PORTUGUÊS - INFORMAÇÃO $('#visualizar #DataInicial').text(info.event.start.toLocaleString()); $('#visualizar #DataFinal').text(info.event.end.toLocaleString()); // FORMATA A DATA PARA O PATRÃO PORTUGUÊS - INPUT´S $('#visualizar #DataInicial').val(info.event.start.toLocaleString()); $('#visualizar #DataFinal').val(info.event.end.toLocaleString()); // EXIBINDO A MODAL $('#visualizar').modal('show'); }, selectable: true, // SELECIONA A DATA AO CLICAR select: function (info) { // ATRIBUINDO A DATA E HORA - INÍCIO E FIM AO FORMULÁRIO $('#cadastrar #DataInicial').val(info.start.toLocaleString()); $('#cadastrar #DataFinal').val(info.end.toLocaleString()); $('#cadastrar').modal('show'); } }); calendar.render(); });
After Events: I have the page call that rescues the fields posted above and tried to rescue some information like this:
events: 'pListaAgendamento.php', FoneResponsavel: FoneResponsavel, EmailResponsavel: EmailResponsavel,
Trying to throw in inputs like this:
// VALORES PARA EDIÇÃO $('#visualizar #Id').val(info.event.id); $('#visualizar #Motivo').val(info.event.title); $('#visualizar #Telefone').val(event.FoneResponsavel); $('#visualizar #Email').val(event.EmailResponsavel);