Mysql query equal to one value or another


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I’m having a doubt in a query mysql.

I have this query

select cor from cores where cor in('verde','vermelho');

The problem is that I want the green, and If there is no green I want the red. but not the 2 results.

I can’t use the LIMIT 1, because this is inside a subquery more complex and Mysql won’t let you use LIMIT in subquery.

1 answer


Instead of the operator IN, you can use the CASE to check if a record exists. It’s like making a IF in a structured language.

Take an example:

     WHEN EXISTS(select cor from cores where cor = 'verde') THEN 'verde'
     ELSE (select cor from cores where cor = 'vermelho')
     WHEN EXISTS(select cor from cores where cor = 'azul') THEN 'azul'
     WHEN EXISTS(select cor from cores where cor = 'verde') THEN 'verde'
     ELSE (select cor from cores where cor = 'vermelho')

Alternatively, you can use the function COALESCE, which will return the first parameter that is not null, thus establishing a priority order.

Take the example:

    (select cor from cores where cor = 'azul'),
    (select cor from cores where cor = 'verde'),
    (select cor from cores where cor = 'vermelho')

See also the sqlfiddle with the functional examples.

  • 3

    I didn’t know about this Sqlfiddle, very helpful, thank you :)

  • I was in doubt in the example of CASE, he will execute the two CASEs or he tries to execute one and, if nothing comes back, he executes the other?

  • 1

    @That’s right, it should work like a if/else: if there is 'blue', then return 'blue, otherwise select 'red'.

  • 1

    @Felipeavelar But note that you have several different 'WHEN'. I will edit the answer to illustrate this.

  • Worth the query I was using was a inner join on and with the coalesce was perfect. I used it as follows: on coalesce((RIGHT(upper(c.filename), CHAR_LENGTH(b.value) + 4) = concat(b.value, '.PSD')), (RIGHT(upper(c.filename), CHAR_LENGTH(b.value) + 4) = concat(b.value, '.JPG')))

  • I understood the WHEN, what I didn’t understand was the CASE. Like, there’s two CASEs in the SELECT, but the query will always run both CASEs or only when one has no return? Understood what I wanted to ask?

  • 1

    @Felipeavelar I think which I now understand. In the example I put select will run both cases, would be as two separate and independent columns.

  • That’s exactly what it was, thank you.

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