Passage of variables from one function to another in Python


Viewed 53 times


I’m having trouble passing variables n and m from the starting function to the function computador_escolhe_jogada. The error message itself points:

Typeerror: computer_choice move() Missing 2 required positional Arguments: 'n' and’m'

How can I pass the values? I thank you already.

def computador_escolhe_jogada(n,m):
    if n == m+1:
        return "você começa"
        return "Computador começa!"
    while n != 0 :
        return ("O Computador tirou" , (m+1))
        return ("Agora restam",(m+1)-(n), "no tabuleiro")

def partida():
    n = int(input("Quantas peças? "))
    m = int(input("Limite de peças por jogada? "))

  • John, avoid using more than one return per function. I suggest you search for the function init(): It serves to start common variables for multiple functions in a class.

  • @Willianjesusdasilva The boy problem above is just methods, he is not using classes and function init is only for class initialization, but yes, I agree that the second version of it is not useful at all and if you want to share the output, you can return both in a list or create a Generator function with the use of Yield

1 answer


When calling the function computador_escolhe_jogada you need to inform the vestments that will pass, this way computador_escolhe_jogada(n, m)

def computador_escolhe_jogada(n,m):
if n == m+1:
    return "você começa"
    return "Computador começa!"
while n != 0 :
    return ("O Computador tirou" , (m+1))
    return ("Agora restam",(m+1)-(n), "no tabuleiro")

def partida():
n = int(input("Quantas peças? "))
m = int(input("Limite de peças por jogada? "))
computador_escolhe_jogada(n, m)

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