Xamarin iOS - How to generate an ad hoc using VS with remote Mac


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technical doubt!
I have an iOS Xamarin project, I’m using a virtual iMAC with Xcode hired to run the application in a simulator. I make the pairing connection and rotate the application. Slowness, use of simulator, until then normal... and life that follows!
The time has come to test the physical apparatus, I have done numerous tests but I have not succeeded...

In this scenario:
- Dev Machine with Windows 10, VS 2019;
- iMac Cloud with Xcode Paired, I have contracted Apple Dev account;
- Iphone 6 updated iOS 12.2;

I can generate a package?
How do I install my app on iphone?
I just want to open and test for now, then I’ll put it in the store, for now it’s just tests... someone’s been through it and could give me a light?
Note: I can run the project on the iMac Cloud machine.
I managed to generate the filing, but at the time of doing adhoc or something I could not.

From now on I thank.

  • Ola Carlos, Welcome to Sopt. - It is worth checking out our [Tour]. - The community will probably need more information to help you, for example: Any error is generated?, You can select your iPhone as the build destination?, The project in the Xcode is signing automatically or manually?, Already checked if the build architecture is compatible with iPhone?...

  • Hello Icaro, thanks for your help!

  • 1

    Can you select iPhone as the build destination? I can’t... I’m on a windows machine!

  • Is any error generated? No cute filing is done... when publishing I can’t choose my profile in VS

  • Is the project in Xcode signing automatically or manually? I made Manual... I couldn’t set Automatic...

  • Have you checked if the build architecture is compatible with iPhone? Yes it is compatible I’m getting old version of Iphone 5S to frentre...

  • "I’m on a Windows machine" - Your Xcode is not on a Mac os?

  • Ahh, I think I understand now, you are developing on a windows machine and building on a rented mac os machine online

  • 1

    Yes Xcode is on a Mac cloud machine... I use a contracted macincloud.com machine! I do the pairing by VS and then run in a simulator of the iphone... what I want now is to test on the physical iphone

  • So for you to install on your iPhone you will probably have to generate one ad-hoc, For this to work you also have to register the iphone as device dev, I did not find a good link showing this. It is worth it to edit the question and put this information.

  • So... I figured I’d have to do something like this... and that’s exactly what I’m having trouble with! I registered my iphone in the Apple Dev account, in Device... tbm created the App registry... but being in VS when I will generate the Ad-Hoc does not appear my account and nor my project, even being paired! Is there anywhere else in visual studio that I have to set apple user? or just be paired?

  • I have no experience in this development via VS so I won’t be able to help you =( . But it is worth you update the question to make clearer the goal of generating an ad-hoc using VS with remote mac. This will also take your question back to the top increasing the chance of someone in the community with this experience to see.

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1 answer


I was able to solve the problem!
By the looks of it I was incorrectly generating the registration on apple’s Veloper page:
1) You must have registered the developer certificate for applications;
1.1) You must have the ad-hoc distributor certificate;
2) You must register the Device that will be used for testing;
3) Create a manual provisioning profile based on the developer certificate; 3.) The distribution profile shall be established on the basis of the ad-hoc certificate;
4) On the Macincloud machine you must open the Xcode and authenticate in the account, download the certificates download;
5) in Visual Studio, Pair with Macincloud machine;
6) Archive the iOS app package, based on the Developer account and developer certificate with a specified profile;
7) After making the distribution using Ad-Hoc, use the app distributor certificate, with the test profile that has been created;
8) The ipa file will be generated, which is a kind of zip package of the validated application;
9) Connect with iTunes, it can be the version for Windows itself, drag the ipa package to the device and so complete the installation and distribution by ad-hoc;

I think that’s it, if anyone has any comment on the process, I’ll be grateful for your help!
See you around!

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