Place content inside PHP fopen


Viewed 47 times


Good afternoon, I am creating a new page to run a command by fopen, with the following code:

  $pagina  = 'pagina';
  $ext     = '.php';
  $arquivo = fopen ($pagina.$ext, 'w+');
  if ($arquivo == false) die('não foi possível criar o arquivo');

the doubt is, how do I put a predetermined content inside the new file that was created, for example an echo, or so that the new file is created inside it already came an echo?

1 answer


For this, you must use the function fwrite.


  $pagina  = 'pagina';
  $ext     = '.php';
  $arquivo = fopen ($pagina.$ext, 'w+');
  fwrite($arquivo, '<?php echo "Qualquer texto inicial."; ?>');

  if ($arquivo == false) die('não foi possível criar o arquivo');

  • Cool Jose! but I could put an html code? or not?

  • 1

    Yes, I could, just change the contents. No secret! :)

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