Style problems Cordova + bootstrap


Viewed 220 times


I have a problem with the style of the tags when I emulate the app on android with ADV. The styles I’ve set for the elements are wrong for example:

<div class="input-group input-group-sm">
  <span class="input-group-addon">LOGIN</span>
  <input type="text" name="login" id="login" class="form-control" placeholder="Login">

span gets a height greater than input.

Another thing that happens is also the background of the application that should be white gets gray alone.

Can’t use pure bootstrap with Cordova on android? If possible, why this happens and how to fix?

  • Apparently you will have to change via css or remove the input-group-sm and leave in standard size.

  • Orion, I appreciate your reply, but what you said doesn’t answer anything. What you said is just a kind of obvious exit. I want to use bootstrap styles, not just input-group. For example the NAVBAR works perfectly, to solve the problem, I need something more elaborate. Thank you again for paying attention.

  • 1

    Have you by any chance forgotten to remove the default CSS from the phonegap? This gray background makes me suspect this.

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