How do I send the body in a request (POST) on Xios?


Viewed 5,380 times


      method: 'post',
      url: '',
      headers: { 'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data' },

      response => {


    ).catch(function (error) {

  • But shows some error?

  • It does not return the token, the body is being sent empty.

  • The request type is 'Content-Type': 'Multipart/form-data'

1 answer


You can simply add "date" to the object. In this field you can add what you want to send along with the request. Example:

  method: 'post',
  url: '/user/12345',
  data: {
    nome: 'Victor',
    sobrenome: 'Nogueira'

Read the documentation available on Github that might be useful:

  • I have tried to do this, but it seems that nothing goes in the body, the token returns empty.

  • João take a look at your Api, because the call is correct, it’s supposed to work normally!

  • @Joãofilipe, The code above is right, so the error is probably in your api, but without the code it is hard to say.

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