Good afternoon, I’m a beginner in Vuejs and I’m making an HTML form that needs to check an external API via HTTP post request. I found several explanations on the internet but nothing succinct, I would like to understand how I can pass the URL as parameter. API documentation is as follows: https://documenter.getpostman.com/view/4058085/SWDzdLAF?version=latest
Currently my code is that way:
import Cotacao from './services/cotacoes'
export default {
return {
cotacao: {
firstName: '',
lastName: '',
qtd: '',
phone: '',
vehicleType: '',
vehiclePlate: '',
totalValue: '',
cotacoes: []
Cotacao.listar().then(resposta => {
this.produtos = resposta.data
methods: {
Cotacao.salvar(this.cotacao).then(resposta =>{
and the config of my API is as follows, in the file "config.js"
import axios from 'axios'
export const http = axios.create({
baseURL: 'https://us-central1-onsurance-new.cloudfunctions.net/quote/tires?totalValue=<number>&qtd=<number>&vehicleType=<string>&firstName=<string>&lastName=<string>&userEmail=<string>&vehiclePlate=<string>&dailyUsage=<number>&phone=<string>'
And in the file "quotes.js" is as follows:
import { http } from './config'
export default {
listar:() => {
return http.get('cotacoes')
salvar:(cotacao) => {
return http.post('cotacao', cotacao)
I apologize for any grotesque mistake, I’m a beginner in Vue, I thank anyone who can help me!