Tkinter: Tk() not found


Viewed 258 times


When trying to call the function Tk(), it is not recognized by showing the following message: Nameerror: name 'Tk' is not defined

I’m trying to start the following code:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

Label(root, text="teste").pack()


I have python 3.8.0 installed, using with Pycharm (I have already installed Tkinter in the package manager), I have already installed Tcl (I saw that could help). I have already modified Tkinter’s import script by varying between lowercase and uppercase the first letter. But no results yet. Any tips on how I can fix this situation? Thanks in advance for the attention of those who propose to contribute :)

  • I know it’s a very silly question that I’m going to ask, but surprisingly this happens many times. Have you checked if there is a in the same directory of your program ? If it exists, you will be importing this module that certainly does not contain the Tk().

  • I made an edit this time (which is waiting for approval), but when putting code, always select the part of the code and press Ctrl + k

  • is using linux? when I do a new distro installation, I also install Idle, it is guaranteed that Tkinter will come along, because Idle is made in Tk

  • Solved! The problem was that I had put the file name of being that this name cannot be used in the file because it is a reserved word by the tool (that’s what I understood rsrs). I thank the friends who are willing to clarify the operation of the tool. I am a beginner and was very helpful to your collaboration. Vlw! : D

3 answers


Make sure you have not named your file for something like It is a common mistake, but you cannot name a file whose name is the same as a module you are importing, there will be collision between the names of the module and its file.

  • It worked, it was really the name of the file, that for the sake of testing I put the name of the file of I am beginner in this tool, so I did not imagine that it could interfere I appreciate the simplicity and clarity of the information. Vlw man! D

  • @Nathan-Santos if the answer helped you mark it as correct by clicking on


There’s a single error in your code, in last line.

You wrote


When the right thing would be


Note that the mainloop comes with parentheses, so mainloop()

Your code then stays:

from tkinter import *

root = Tk()

Label(root, text="teste").pack()



Try it like this:

# importa o módulo tkinter como tk
import tkinter as tk

# cria a janela principal
root = tk.Tk()

# cria um label
lbl = tk.Label(root, text="teste")

# mostra o label

# loop da tela

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