PYTHON error index out of range


Viewed 47 times


There I was trying to create a script that did permutation, create a combination of the list items in a new list. Follow the python code:

itens = []
while True:
          adition = input('Coloque os itens: ')
          if adition == 'end':
comb = []

for i in itens:
           contagem = 0
           while True:
                     comb.append(i + itens[contagem])
                     if contagem == len(itens):
                               contagem = contagem + 1

But when I run the command and put the items in the list returns the following error:


Indexerror: list index out of range

1 answer


Elevate the condition if contagem == len(itens) to run before accessing itens[contagem]

while True:
    if contagem == len(itens):
        comb.append(i + itens[contagem])
        contagem = contagem + 1

The error happens in your code because you try to access the position contagem from your list before validating whether it is valid.

Suppose that itens own both items: a and b.

In the first iteration cont is equal to 0

He picks up a at position 0 and generates aa

In the second iteration cont is equal to 1

He picks up b at position 1 and generates ab

In the third iteration cont is equal to 2

He tries to pick up the item at position 2, which does not exist, and so the error.

A simpler way of writing this logic would be

while contagem < len(itens):
    comb.append(i + itens[contagem])
    contagem = contagem + 1

Or use another loop for

for i in itens:
    for i2 in itens:
        comb.append(i + i2)
  • Thank you very much! I didn’t know while worked like this. Just one more question. Why can’t my code test all combinations? If a list has [ 1, 2, 3, 4], the code only forms 11, 12, 13, 14 and not 11,12,13,14,21,22,23,24... and so on. Why this happens if I used the for i in list to read all the list items and create a new combination for each of them?

  • The code forms all permutations, maybe you made another mistake when fixing it, see it working here

  • Fixed. In the code when I was correcting, I counted before the for, this stopped the loop of repetition since counting did not reset. Thank you!

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