I’m having trouble in a Cód. which has the function of returning a keyword search of a bank record.
Error: Warning: sqlsrv_query() expects Parameter 1 to be Resource, Object Given
I tested in Mysql database, and had no problem, but the database I need to use is sqlserver.
PS: The connection to the bank is working properly. Code. connection to the bank:
// Conexão com banco SqlServer
$servidor = "localhost"; //host
$connectionInfo = array("Database"=>"dcm_digital", "UID"=>"root", "PWD"=>"root", "CharacterSet"=>"UTF-8");
//Criar conexão
$conn = sqlsrv_connect($servidor, $connectionInfo);
if($conn){ echo("*** Banco conectado ***<br>"); } else { echo("Conexão falhou.<br>"); die( print_r( sqlsrv_errors(), true));}
Follow the Cód. below:
// Include conexão com o bd.
include 'conexaoBD/conexao.php';
$btn = $_POST['btn'];
$p_chave = $_POST['palavra'];
$busca = $p_chave;
if($busca == null or $busca == " "){
echo '<center><b>Digite a palavra-chave para pesquisar!</b></center>';
} else {
$busca_div = explode(' ',$busca);
$quant = count($busca_div);
$exibe_id = array("");
for($i=0; $i<$quant; $i++){
$pesquisa = $busca_div[$i];
//Banco SqlServer
$_sql = "SELECT * FROM conteudo_dcm WHERE DCM_conteudo LIKE '%$pesquisa%';";
$sql = sqlsrv_query($conn,$_sql);
$quant_cmps = sqlsrv_num_rows($sql);
/*/Banco SqlServer
$_sql = "SELECT * FROM test.conteudo_dcm WHERE DCM_conteudo LIKE '%$pesquisa%';";
$sql = mysqli_query($conn, $_sql);
$quant_cmps = mysqli_num_rows($sql);*/
if($quant_cmps == 0){
echo '<center><b>Nenhum resultado obtido!</b></center>';
} else {
//while ($linha = mysqli_fetch_array($sql)){
while ($linha = sqlsrv_fetch_array($sql)){
$id = $linha['DCM_id'];
$nome = $linha['DCM_nome'];
$conteudo = $linha['DCM_conteudo'];
if(!array_search($id, $exibe_id)){
echo /*'<a href="<?php $_href; ?>">'.*/$nome/*.'</a>'*/."<br><br>".
substr($conteudo, 0, 600)."<b> ...</b>".
First thing is already on this line $_sql = "SELECT * FROM content_dcm WHERE Dcm_content LIKE '%$search%';";, the correct is $_sql = "SELECT * FROM content_dcm WHERE Dcm_content LIKE '%$search%'"; This ; that is there can be the cause of all your problem, please see if solved. I saw that in all your querys you use the ; erroneously, remove from all and test please.
– Jakson Fischer
@Jaksonfischer even after the change, the same error persists.
– Renata
Take a look here: link, I think this might help you.
– Jakson Fischer
The value of
is wrong, is receiving an object, has no way of knowing what it is, the error is inside theconexaoBD/conexao.php
– Guilherme Nascimento
@Guilhermenascimento I put the connection Cód. with the bank in question.
– Renata
Okay, put before the sqlsrv_query this
– Guilherme Nascimento
@Guilhermenascimento I saw that in the sqlsrv_query line I had put a variable after $_sql by mistake. I removed this variable (tb removed from the question) and ran var_dump and returned the following message: Resource(6) of type (SQL Server Connection) No results obtained!
– Renata
The guy is right, the mistake is the same
sqlsrv_query() expects parameter 1 to be resource, object given
, or now he’s just not "getting" into thewhile
?– Guilherme Nascimento
@Guilhermenascimento Now just don’t get into the while.
– Renata