I developed a python code to search for number inside an excel file, where it has about 40 thousand data. I made a rule to bring myself only number 9 to 14, where I would classify it as phone. However besides having these phone data other numbers related to note that has 9 numbers.. Then he brings me many things of note and the telephone does not. In the text is type tel(19).... phone(19).... Could you give me a hint as to how I can make him read the string
and finds type tel
and from that point it records only the number.
import pandas as pd
import re
df = pd.read_excel('log1.xlsx')
for i in range(len(df)):
print( i)
t=(str (df['Observação'][i]).split(" "))
contador =0
contador4 =0
while (contador <len(t)):
if(len (t [contador])>=9 and len (t [contador])<=14):
#print (str(t[contador]).replace("-","").replace("(","").replace(")","").replace(",",""))"
entrada = (str(t[contador]).replace("-","").replace("(","").replace(")","").replace(",","").replace(".",""))
contador3 = 0
confere = 0
while (contador3 < len(entrada)):
if entrada[contador3:contador3+1].isdigit() == True:
confere = confere + 1
contador3 = contador3 + 1
if confere == len(entrada):
df['CONTEM TELEFONE'][i]= "sim"
if confere != len(entrada):
df['CONTEM TELEFONE'][i] ="não"
contador4 = contador4+1
if confere == len(entrada):
df['CONTEM TELEFONE'][i]= "sim"
if contador4>1:
df['telefone'][i] = df['telefone'][i]+";"+entrada
df['telefone'][i] = entrada
contador=contador +1
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Perfect, I will study the platform better before asking another question :D
– user162978