Do operations with a JS calculator display data


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I’m starting in JS and decided to make a calculator.

I created a function that should pull the data from the display that receives the data clicked on the calculator and is also an input, and another that pulls the data from this function when we click '=' and returns this value where I created the result field. The function I created, when I test in the terminal, works with the parameters "operator", value1, value2. But when it’s in the code retrieving the values from the display, it returns Undefined to me. You can clear this up for me?

Thank you!

The code is like this:

<section id="calculadora">
<div type="number" name="resultado" id="resultado"></div>
<input type="text" name="intro" id="intro">
<input type="button" class = "oper" value="1" onclick="numero(1)" >
<input type="button" class = "num" value="2" onclick="numero(2)">
<input type="button" class = "num" value="3" onclick="numero(3)">
<input type="button" class = "num" value="0" onclick="numero(0)">
<input type="button" value="CE" onclick="limpar()">
<input type="button" class = "num" value="4" onclick="numero(4)">
<input type="button" class = "num" value="5" onclick="numero(5)">
<input type="button" class = "num" value="6" onclick="numero(6)">
<input type="button" class = "oper" value="-" onclick="operacao(value)">
<input type="button" class = "oper" value="/" onclick="operacao(value)">
<input type="button" class = "num" value="7" onclick="numero(7)">
<input type="button" class = "num" value="8" onclick="numero(8)">
<input type="button" class = "num" value="9" onclick="numero(9)">
<input type="button" class = "oper" value="+" onclick="operacao(value)">
<input type="button" class = "num" value="x" onclick="operacao(value)">
<input id="verificar" type="button" value="=" onclick="calcular()">


var intro = document.getElementById("intro")
var resultado = document.getElementById("resultado")
function limpar(){
    intro.value = ""

function numero(value){
    intro.value += value

function operacao (value){
    intro.value += value

function execute (operador, valor1, valor2){

var valor1 = Number(valor.value)
var valor2 = Number(valor.value)
if (operador == "+"){
    var result = parseInt(valor1) + parseInt(valor2)
} else if (operador == "-") {
    var result = parseInt(valor1) - parseInt(valor2)
} else if (operador == "/") {
    var result = parseInt(valor1) / parseInt(valor2)
} else if (operador == "x") {
    var result = parseInt(valor1) * parseInt(valor2)
return result

function calcular () {
    resultado.innerHTML = execute()
  • You are calling the function execute() without passing any argument: resultado.innerHTML = execute()

  • It also ignores the parameters valor1 and valor2 and takes such a value that does not exist.

1 answer


I made some changes to your code, first at the beginning of the code, declared a variable called operador, this variable will save what will be the operator of this calculation, with it declared in the global scope of the page will no longer need to use it as parameter or recover the value again, it is possible to use it within any function.

In his job execute, the variables valor1 and valor2, were receiving a value from a non-existent variable, so I assigned correct values to them.

In his job calcular, there was no logic within it, so I took it upon myself to make the logic of retrieving the value of the operation and identifying what was number to be calculated and what was operator, I used the function split to create an array and be able to make this identification.

var intro = document.getElementById("intro")
var resultado = document.getElementById("resultado")
var operador;
function limpar(){
    intro.value = ""

function numero(value){
    intro.value += value

function operacao (value){
    operador = value;
    intro.value += value

function execute (valor1, valor2){

    var valor1 = Number(valor1)
    var valor2 = Number(valor2)
    if (operador == "+"){
        var result = parseInt(valor1) + parseInt(valor2)
    } else if (operador == "-") {
        var result = parseInt(valor1) - parseInt(valor2)
    } else if (operador == "/") {
        var result = parseInt(valor1) / parseInt(valor2)
    } else if (operador == "x") {
        var result = parseInt(valor1) * parseInt(valor2)
    return result

function calcular () {
    const intro = document.getElementById('intro').value;
    const introSplit = intro.split(operador);
    const num1 = introSplit[0];
    const num2 = introSplit[1];
    resultado.innerHTML = execute(num1, num2)
<section id="calculadora">
    <div type="number" name="resultado" id="resultado"></div>
    <input type="text" name="intro" id="intro">
    <input type="button" class = "oper" value="1" onclick="numero(1)" >
    <input type="button" class = "num" value="2" onclick="numero(2)">
    <input type="button" class = "num" value="3" onclick="numero(3)">
    <input type="button" class = "num" value="0" onclick="numero(0)">
    <input type="button" value="CE" onclick="limpar()">
    <input type="button" class = "num" value="4" onclick="numero(4)">
    <input type="button" class = "num" value="5" onclick="numero(5)">
    <input type="button" class = "num" value="6" onclick="numero(6)">
    <input type="button" class = "oper" value="-" onclick="operacao(value)">
    <input type="button" class = "oper" value="/" onclick="operacao(value)">
    <input type="button" class = "num" value="7" onclick="numero(7)">
    <input type="button" class = "num" value="8" onclick="numero(8)">
    <input type="button" class = "num" value="9" onclick="numero(9)">
    <input type="button" class = "oper" value="+" onclick="operacao(value)">
    <input type="button" class = "num" value="x" onclick="operacao(value)">
    <input id="verificar" type="button" value="=" onclick="calcular()">

Reference: Split

  • Pedro Henrique, thank you so much for the explanation. It was exactly as I imagined.

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