How to prevent the creation of records where one of the fields has the value already registered?


Viewed 63 times


Create Table genero_filme(
NomeF varchar2(30) NOT NULL,
genero varchar2(20) NOT NULL,
--Restrições de intregridade 
--1. Não existe gêneros diferentes com o mesmo nome
    Constraint fk_Filme_g FOREIGN Key(NomeF)
        References Filme(NomeF),

How do I not have different genres with the same name?

1 answer


Create a UNIQUE composed by (Name, gender) .

Create Table genero_filme(
NomeF varchar2(30) NOT NULL,
genero varchar2(20) NOT NULL,
--Restrições de intregridade 
--1. Não existe gêneros diferentes com o mesmo nome
Constraint genero_unk UNIQUE (NomeF,genero) -- Nova unique key
Constraint fk_Filme_g FOREIGN Key(NomeF)
References Filme(NomeF),

If the goal is that the table genre have unique gender names, I suggest following template (just one example):

Modelo de dados exemplo

  • 1

    But if you put UNIQUE only in the field genero how are you going to register different films of the same genre? It shouldn’t be: UNIQUE (NomeF, genero)?

  • I made the change in the answer, did not understand that 'different with the same name? ' referred to the name of the film and not the name of Genre.

  • Not correct because I want to be able to put some generos but I do not want to be able to introduce the same kind

  • From my point of view, the gender table should not have Constraint fk_Filme_g FOREIGN Key(Nomef), and create a link table liga_filme_genero with the PRIMARY KEY table of films and gender table.

  • 1

    @user171371: what you want is not to prevent the same pair (film, genre) can be inserted in duplicate? If you put UNIQUE (NomeF, genero) a film may be associated with several genres and a genre may be associated with several films. What cannot be included are two equal pairs.

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