How do you git pull all branches?


Viewed 593 times


I have several branches and doing two versions of a script, in separate branches on a development server. So how to update all branches, from clone, on production server?

  • git pull --all does not resolve?

  • @epx I was in doubt between git fetch --all --prune and git pull --all, was expecting a more complete answer.

  • Yeah, so I put it as a comment, I’m not sure if it suits your particular use case.

  • 1

    @Márciomocellin If you expect the answer to present this difference, ask this question. You can [Edit] the question and add something like "I saw that there are these two commands ... what’s the difference?". However, this has already been answered in What’s the difference between git pull and git fetch commands'?

  • I already found the answer:

1 answer


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