Change <a> tag text via Jquery


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I have a pop-up that generates the following html code:

<a data-val-filinkbutton-type="button" href="#" id="AtribuicaoCodigo_lnkPop" onclick="openDialog(event, this, 'AtribuicaoCodigo_pop');">Regra:</a>

I need to change the text of Regra: according to the value of a dropdown that is on the back screen, ie in Parent. I made the following code jquery:

$(function () {
    $('#btnCopiar').on('click', function (e) {
        if (parent.$('#TipoAtribuicao').val() === '1') {
            $('#AtribuicaoCodigo_lnkPop').text('Comissionado: ');
        else {
            $('#AtribuicaoCodigo_lnkPop').text('Regra: ');
        openDialog(event, this, 'popCopiar', null, 800, 750);

But nothing happens, it’s not changing the name, someone can tell me why?

  • @Sam yes.......

  • @Sam is a popup

  • @Sam but it’s right, this way (Parent) the value is coming correctly, the only thing that is not happening is the exchange of the text "Rule" pop up....

  • From what I understand you are changing the text of the tag "a" before it exists, try to do this after the modal is opened, via callback, timer or something else.

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