pgsql authentication via LDAP


Viewed 35 times


Machine login and password authentications are allocated to a server ldap, however, I would like those same passwords and logins to be able to access a server that is on pgsql.

I did the following syntax, but I was unsuccessful.

host    all             all                 all                 ldap ldapserver=***.***.***-** ldapport=389 ldapprefix="OU=SMF,OU=PMC" ldapsuffix="cn=Users,dc=pmc,dc=local"

I need it, using the password on the server ldap, access a server of pgsql, remembering that I do not have access to the tree of ldap.

  • 1

    The question is unclear. What do you want to do with the function host it serves to convert an IP into string

  • I will try to be clearer, ldap it authenticates the access to the user’s machine, and already has an application that can access without the person need to put password and login again because it already authenticates in ldap, and now, I need to create this for a server that is in pgsql, without the person needing to enter login and password, only by the ldap authentication, I don’t know if this is possible, and I don’t have access to the ldap tree. Remember that this syntax above is done inside the pg_hba.conf file.

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