How to disable Identity in Linked Server to not generate increment? Server table must equal local base.
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ServidorLincado].[BD_TESTE].dbo.Produto ON --Desabilita o IDENTITY
INSERT [ServidorLincado].[BD_TESTE].dbo.Produto (
,[ID] -- esse campo é identity
FROM dbo.Produto
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [ServidorLincado].[BD_TESTE].dbo.Produto OFF --Habilita o IDENTITY
I get the error below:
Msg 117, Level 15, State 1, Line 2 The Object name contains more than the Maximum number of prefixes. The Maximum is 2.
In the article Bulk import of data you can find examples similar to the case you cite: https://portosql.wordpress.com/articles/
– José Diz