Occurrence of letter in string - C


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Good afternoon,

My goal is to insert a string of up to 500 characters, and then read a letter. Creating, for this purpose a function that counts how many times that letter appears in the text.

The problem is that I must pass the text by reference to the function and I do not know if it is working. The function should receive the text, the letter and return the number of repetitions of the letter.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

int contagem(char *txt, char letra)
    int contagem=0;
    int i;

    for (i=0; txt[i] !='\0';i++)
        if (txt[i]==letra)
return contagem;

int main()
char txt[501],letra;

printf("Insira o texto:");
scanf("%s", txt);

printf("Deseja contar ocorrencia de qual letra?");
scanf(" %c", letra);

printf("O caracter aparece %d vezes \n", contagem(*txt,letra));
  • Here: scanf(" %c", letra); lacked the &: scanf(" %c", &letra);. Here: contagem(*txt,letra) the correct is: contagem(txt, letra).

  • I made this correction, however, after inserting the string and the letter I want to search, the command prompt freezes and closes.

  • Differentiate the variable name used to count from the function name. If your string has space characters, replace %sfor [^\n], otherwise the program will close the reading on the first space. See working on: https://ideone.com/Psm2UM

1 answer


When you pass an array by reference to a function, in its call you simply put the name of the identifier of it, in your case:

contagem(txt, letra);

This should solve your problem, but there’s a hint: you’re visibly new, so get the custom to test your code with smaller samples. Take a text with 10 words and test if your program is working, is the best way to answer your question "I don’t know if it’s working".

  • Thank you so much!! Solved the problem, I’m trying to learn alone so I’m encountering some difficulties even.

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