Hey, guys, everything okay? I need to ask a question, when using dbExpress, it was possible to make master detail with the clientDataSet using the Nested Dataset, where in the clientDataSet PAI, opened a new Dataset column (with data from the daughter table) and so I used to query and apply the data in the database.
However, when using Firedac with Fdquery, I could not find a way to do this, the only way I got something similar is to use fdSchemaAdapter and make the relationship between the fdquerys through Datasources.
Can anyone tell me if this option is supported by firedac?
I didn’t understand how to mount the SQL of the "SELECT * FROM {id Orders}" parent table and how to relate to the SQL of the "SELECT * FROM {id Order Details}"
Source: http://docwiki.embarcadero.com/RADStudio/Rio/en/Master-Detail_Relationship_(M/D)