Well, I realized that by using Pseudo Classes as :hover
, :focus
in input elements and in certain other elements, to be able to change from the current state to another state differs from a browser desktop for a browser mobile, because in a browser mobile in the case of the browser Google Chrome for Android it create a light blue background color in the element when it is touched or focused while in a browser desktop that doesn’t happen.
NOTE: In the images below the button is this Button Hover Effect Alternate , He’s on my account at codepen, recommend viewing in a version Desktop and another in the version Mobile to be able to see the behavior.
Displaying in a Desktop Browser (Google Chrome)
In the image above when the mouse is passed over the button, no blue background color is displayed.
Displaying in a Mobile Browser (Google Chrome)
In the image above when there is a touch on the button, a blue background color is displayed.
In the images above perfectly show what is happening, I do not know, because it happens in browsers mobile and I would like to know why this happens and if there is a way to remove it, because visually it bothers me, who can help I am very grateful.
@Matheusating this link you suggested is not a source, I’ve known the technique for a long time, I’ve been an iPhone user for years, and since I first used it I’ve had a problem with "tap hightlight", I developed a FRAMEWORK of my own that uses this: https://github.com/victory-css/Victory.css/blob/master/dist/Victory.css#L15 ... nor does it make sense to post "font" where the text of the question is my words and the answer is only a "css property" and not an advanced technique.
– Guilherme Nascimento