How to get components beyond the standards in Fullcalendar?


Viewed 304 times


I would like to know how to get other components (besides id, title, start and end) in Fullcalenda.

I have a table, in the database, which has several fields such as status, responsibility, department, etc... And I make a query in this table that returns a PHP JSON for Fullcalendar. There in Fullcalendar I can only get the default Fullcalendar attributes that are id, title, start and end.

How do I get the other attributes resulting from the database query (fields such as status, responsibility, etc ...) ?

The result of my query is the array below:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • In the image above, I can get the title, start, end and color (which are native to Fullcalendar), but I can’t get the type and STATUS. How to do this ?

Below follows the code in which I receive the data in Fullcalendar:

events: {
    url: '../banco/banco-get/pagina-dashboard/classes-dashboard-calendario.php', //Página PHP que realiza a consulta
    failure: function() {
      document.getElementById('script-warning').style.display = 'block'
  eventClick: function(info) {
    //O parâmetro 'info' é que contém os valores que vem do retorno da consulta do banco de dados			


    //Passando valores para os elementos HTML			
    $('#visualizar #mostrar-titulo').text(info.event.title);
    $('#visualizar #mostrar-inicio').text(info.event.start.toLocaleString());
    $('#visualizar #mostrar-fim').text(info.event.start.toLocaleString());
    $('#visualizar #mostrar-status').text(info.event.STATUS);

    //Exibe o modal (quando clicamos no respectivo evento) que mostra as informações resultantes da consulta no banco de dados.


Now look how the modal is displayed (when we click on the respective event) with the information:

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Note that the STATUS does not appear.
  • It makes no sense to use the selectors as "#visualizar #mostrar-titulo"... an id should be unique on the page, so it makes no sense to fetch the id #mostrar-titulo within another id #visualizar.

  • Yes, Sam. But that’s because I didn’t post the HTML. This "#view" is the id of a modal, and the "#show title" is the id of the fields that will be filled with the data coming from the query. They are filled in within the Fullcalendar. But these fields are static and this modal is only opened when we click on the event (and the data is passed to the modal fields only at this moment). Not many "#view" modals are created. Only one. I didn’t put the HTML code because I didn’t think it would have relevance to the problem itself.

  • I know. What I meant was to use $('#visualizar #mostrar-titulo').text(info.title); it makes no sense, when you should use $('#mostrar-titulo').text(info.title); since an id is unique.

  • Come on, Sam. kkkkkkk. You’re being a fucking perfectionist. The problem was just adding the "#visualize" to the dial ?

2 answers


You take the value of the extra keys in the property event.extendedProps.

For example, to take the value of STATUS you would use:

  • 1

    Exactly, Sam. The line looks like this: $('#view #show-status'). text(info.event.extendedProps.STATUS).


I don’t know much about the structure of your code, but the way I use works just right this function you want to implement.

let allEvents = []; // Variável onde ficarão todos os eventos.

// Esse método eu uso para guardar todos os eventos caso haja mais que um.
        title   : 'ANALISE ESCRITR CONTAB (6)',
        start   : '2019-11-01 00:00:00',
        end     : '2019-11-01 00:00:00',
        tipo    : 'C',
        status  : 'VENCIDO',
        color   : '#f00'

$('#calendar').fullCalendar({ // Renderizando o fullCalender com todos eventos
    events    : allEvents,
    eventClick: function(info) {

        //Passando valores para os elementos HTML           
        $('#visualizar #mostrar-titulo').text(info.title);
        $('#visualizar #mostrar-inicio').text(info.start.toLocaleString());
        $('#visualizar #mostrar-fim').text(info.start.toLocaleString());
        $('#visualizar #mostrar-status').text(info.status);

        //Exibe o modal (quando clicamos no respectivo evento) que mostra as informações resultantes da consulta no banco de dados.

Reference: Fullcalendar

  • Brother, I may have failed to put most of the code, but it was for fear of considering the question lengthy. I will edit and put the part of Events, which is where I perform the event and refer the php file that makes the query. I don’t think that code of yours would suit this case.

  • I got an answer on the gringo stackoverflow. I’ll let the guys try to answer here, if there is no answer, I put the answer from there that was useful to me.

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