I created my own data structure for a Text Adventure game, and in it each Action object has a Consumer. The next step would be whenever someone typed a word, went through the structure and found an Action that contains the String typed in a vector, run this Consumer (default value 1). But I can’t create code like "Action.Function(1)". to get around it, I had to use foreach, like this:
public static void exec(Consumer<Integer> c, int i) {
ArrayList<Integer> is = new ArrayList<>();
Which sounds like a scam to me. Does anyone know a more correct way to use my Consumer within the code, without having to create a new Arraylist (or whatever) just for that? If necessary, here is part of the code of my Action object: public class Action Iterable Mplements {
String id;
String[] functionNames;
Consumer<Integer> function;
Action next;
public Action(String id, Consumer<Integer> function, String... names) {
this.id = id;
this.function = function;
this.functionNames = names;
this.next = null;
public Iterator iterator() {
return new ActionIterator(this);
Thank you in advance.
?– mgibsonbr
It worked. Thanks! I’m new to Java 8, I’m still learning to use these new methods.
– José Nascimento