Replace letter by position


Viewed 215 times


I’m doing a simple python hangman game and I’d like to know if you can replace it by the letter position.

Type I want at position 1 '*' to be replaced by the letter I want.


palavra_secreta = 'alura'
enforcou = False
acertou = False
secret = '*' * len(palavra_secreta)

while not enforcou and not acertou:


    chute = str(input('Qual letra? '))
    chute = chute.strip()

    if chute in palavra_secreta:
        for i in range(0, len(palavra_secreta)):
            if chute.lower() == palavra_secreta[i].lower():
               secret = secret.replace(secret[i], chute)
        print(f'A letra {chute} não contem na palavra.')



1 answer


String in Python is immutable, but you could replace, for example, the 5 position character of a string as follows:

s = s[0:5] + c + s[6:]

If performance is needed, it is best to use a (mutable) character list instead of a string, but for a simple case like this, the above solution is enough.

  • Good algorithm my friend... Thank you very much.More like you said the solution with lists looks better.I managed to do with list.Vlws

  • Yeah, it gets cleaner anyway.

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