Angular installation


Viewed 75 times


Folks I’m in need of help !!

I am trying to install the angular, and the installation does not leave this screen below. What can it be? Obs: I already have the Nodejs installed inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Bro, something like this has occurred to me and I found the solution right here, try it:

1 answer


Each project has its own dependencies that need to be installed:

install npm:

apt install npm

check that they have been installed:

nodejs -v

npm -v

ng version


Stable node:

Install the nodejs:

 apt install nodejs


 npm cache clean -f

 npm install -g n

 n stable

Angular CLI Remove previous version:

 rm -rf /usr/local/bin/ng

install the CLI:

 npm install -g @angular/cli


 npm install -g npm
  • 1

    Complementing his response, as he uses Powershell may be more interesting the use of a package administrator for Windows, as the Chocolatey or the OneGet, which are two of the numerous examples of package administrators, or use a shell in conjunction with Windows as shown in several tutorials by the network

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