How do I request an xml via Soap in php?


Viewed 197 times


I’m having trouble sending an XML to another TOTVS server, I need to do it in php using Soap but I’m having an invalid argument error but testing Soapui how the same XML can forward and in php gives the error below:

Error: Soapfault Exception: [Sender] WEBSERVICE ERROR : Argument Missing : Required field INMSG not found. in C: laragon www webservice soapTest.php:164 Stack trace: #0 C: laragon www webservice soapTest.php(164): Soapclient->__soapCall('RECEIVEMESSAGE', Array) #1 {main}

below follows the php code as the xml I’m trying to pass

wsdl   = "http://Server/ws/EAISERVICE.apw?WSDL"; 
$client = new SoapClient($wsdl, array(  'soap_version' => SOAP_1_1, 'trace' => true,  )); 
try {

    $xml = "<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv='' xmlns:tot=''>
    <GlobalDocumentFunctionDescription>CADASTRO CLIENTE</GlobalDocumentFunctionDescription>  
    <DocName>AURORA TERMINAIS</DocName>  
                <MATA030 version='1.01' Operation='I'>  
                    <MATA030_SA1 modeltype='FIELDS'>  
                            <value>GS ANUNCIACAO - ME</value>  
                            <value>RUA 32 QD A43, 15</value>  
                            <value>[email protected]</value>  
                            <value>[email protected];email2</value>  
                            <value>RUA ABC, 275</value>  
                            <value>BAIRRO COBRANCA</value>  

    $args = array(new SoapVar($xml, XSD_ANYXML));    
    $res  = $client->__soapCall('RECEIVEMESSAGE', $args);
    //return $res;
catch (SoapFault $e) {
    echo "Error: {$e}";

echo "<hr>Last Request";
echo "<pre>", htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastRequest()), "</pre>";

echo "<hr>Last Response";
echo "<pre>", htmlspecialchars($client->__getLastResponse()), "</pre>";

someone could help me with that if there’s something wrong with the code because I’m not very familiar with Soap.

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