Doubt in dictionary - Python


Viewed 39 times


Good morning! I’m trying to create a dictionary where it has some keys inside other keys, and each key contains more than one item. I have looked in several places but I can’t find anything about it. I may not be doing a correct search. If anyone can help me, I’d really appreciate it.

I’m doing it this way:

    g = {"V": {"S", "X", "Y"},
         "T": {"a", "b"},
         "P": {"S": "aXa, bXb, ø", "X": "a, b, Y", "Y": "ø"},
         "S": {"S"}

Thus, the "P" key contains several other keys, which are "S", "X" and "Y". But in this way, the items within these keys are being unique, stored in a single index. Like: "Axa, bXb, ø" are within the same index. I want to divide them so that each item is in a single position. I don’t know if I’ve been very clear, but if anyone has an idea, it would be very helpful.

  • "I don’t know if I was too clear", was not. You literally wrote in the code, "S": "aXa, bXb, ø", that all these values are the same string and therefore makes up the same value. What was the expected result of this operation?

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  • Hello, Woss. Yes, I only put in the code because it’s for a job at the School of Formal Languages and Automata. I’m developing a code for simplifying context-free grammar. And in that case, I need to be able to read item by item inside each key. The way I put it I know that the values are in the same string, what I need is for each value to stay in a string in order to manipulate this data. Putting several values inside the same key in a dictionary, which I’m not getting. I’ve tried to put each value inside a quote but it doesn’t work.

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