How I dynamically put and take out a href


Viewed 221 times


I got this href: <a href="/UpLoads/<%# Eval("DsPathDocumento")%>" class="linkUpload"><%# Eval("NmTipoDocumentoDown")%></a>

What I want is that I create a link only when I return from the DsPathDocumento and NmTipoDocumentoDown. This is on Asp.Net.

How do I do it?

3 answers


Try this:

ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this.Page, this.Page.GetType(), "script", "<script>$('#idLocal').append('<a href = \'url\'></a>');</script>", false);

Or this:

<asp:Button id="myid" runat="server" OnClientClick="$('#idLocal').append('<a href = \'url\'></a>')"/>

The js code is using jQuery.


From what looks like Dspathdocumento is a string, so you can use something like :

I don’t really like writing in ASP.NET using inline code, but since you’re already using it, here’s an alternative :

<% if(!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Eval("DsPathDocumento ").ToString())) { %>
    <a href="/UpLoads/<%# Eval("DsPathDocumento")%>" class="linkUpload"><%# Eval("NmTipoDocumentoDown")%></a>
<% } %>
  • I don’t like it either, but it’s already like this. I prefer the Behind code.


There are many ways. One of them, without changing the code much, is to add a one runat="server" and a id='nome'.

 <a href="/UpLoads/<%# Eval("DsPathDocumento")%>" runat="server" class="linkUpload"><%#Eval("NmTipoDocumentoDown")%></a>

Hence, in his .cs will have to reference your nome like any other control.

Another way is to put an object of the type HyperLink and set your Visible="false". You can set your NavigateUrl (link) to your .cs. Only display the link when you need it.

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