Requests does not download files > that 4MB


Viewed 84 times


I’m using requests in python, and I can’t download files larger than 4mb (maybe a little smaller too). I am downloading some PDF, and I can download small files normally, but when I use a slightly larger file, it just saves the name and leaves it as a blank file. I used CURL and it downloaded normally, but when I use CURL inside python instead of request, it also does not download.

def download_file(url,name):
#response = requests.get(url, stream=True, allow_redirects=True)
#pdf_url = response.url
#handle = open(name+".pdf", "wb")
#for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=512):
#    if chunk:  
#        handle.write(chunk)

os.system('curl "{}" -o "{}".pdf'.format(url,name))

Is there a file size limiter I’m creating? I searched about and found nothing on....

  • Any error message appears?

  • Is it not being limited by the server? Has server that tries to block the action of bots and crawlers.

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