I am trying to implement a GUI with python3x and Tkinter in separate scripts.
I have a gui_test folder organized as follows:
- Gui (sub-folder): Unit.py and app.py (Tkinter)
- utils (sub-folder): Unit.py and functions.py
- Unit.py (file)
- main.py (file)
Here’s what I wanna do:
1) the main.py calls the app.py
2) in the app.py has buttons and call functions in functions.py
3) I want functions.py to print the function output in the app.py GUI, but I’m not getting that connection.
The scripts are like this:
from gui import app
if __name__ == '__main__':
app py.:
from tkinter import *
from utils import functions
class Application():
def __init__(self, master=None):
self.msg = Label(master, text= 'Primeira Mensagem')
self.btnTrocaMsg = Button(master, text= 'Trocar', command= functions.trocaMsg)
def main():
root = Tk()
from gui import app
def trocaMsg():
<caminho?>.msg['text'] = 'Mensagem trocada.'
Which way?
Files are properly grouped in folders?
I changed the app.py and functions.py:
app py.:
self.btnTrocaMsg = Button(master, text= 'Trocar', command= ***self.troca***)
***def troca(self):
a = functions.trocaMsg(self)
self.msg['text'] = a***
No functions.py:
from gui import app
***def trocaMsg(msg):
return 'Mensagem trocada.'***
The application worked. However, I ask: the code is the right way?
I do it often, I usually use class inheritance and it works which is a beauty
– Elton Nunes
From what I’ve seen it’s all right.
– JeanExtreme002
Yes, but I’m not able to return the 'Message exchanged' to the GUI, I tried to put the root, etc, but I could not. All that is missing is this <way? > detail. It turns out I still don’t quite understand the question of classes, instantiating, passing, self, etc.
– douglas1alc
Elton Nunes and Jeanextreme002, I’ve made some changes to the code, if you’d be so kind.
– douglas1alc