How to pass the value of a variable to uppercase or minuscule?


Viewed 338 times


I have a script that gets a variable when running, for example:

./myscript OLA

the content of myscript:


if [ -z $1 ]
  echo "Por favor escolha uma opção:"
  echo "OLA - Faz qualquer coisa"
  echo "OLE - Faz outra coisa"
  echo "Vou fazer alguma coisa consoante a variável."
  if [ $1 = "OLA" ]
    echo "Olá amigo."

I want to ./myscript ola or ./myscript OlA, etc also work. How can I pass the $1 uppercase for comparison? By the way and for minuscula?

  • 5

2 answers


As I had mentioned in the comments, there is a shell expansion to do this: ${variable^^} will transform the text into variable high-cash.

I’ll copy the examples of this answer in Stackoverflow international, because it even shows behaviors that I didn’t know:

$ string="a few words"
$ echo "${string^}"
A few words
$ echo "${string^^}"
$ echo "${string^^[aeiou]}"
A fEw wOrds

$ string="A Few Words"
$ declare -u string
$ string=$string; echo "$string"
  • expansion with a single circumflex ${var^} transforms the first letter cashier
  • expansion with two circumflex ${var^^} transforms all letters cashier
  • expansion with an expression blob after the circumflex transforms the characters that match the pattern

On this default expression, note that if you use it with a single circumflex, it will only put it in a high box if the first character matches the expression:

$ var=abcd
$ echo ${var^[bcd]}
$ echo ${var^^[bcd]}
$ echo ${var^[abcd]}

You can understand expansion with circumflex a special case of expansion with circumflex + pattern:

$ echo ${var^^?}
$ echo ${var^?}

The advantage of this alternative to using awk, tr, perl is that you do not start a new process, the whole execution is done "directly" by Bash.

To turn into lowercase, the expansion uses commas instead of the circumflex. Everything else behaves similarly:

$ string="A FEW WORDS"
$ echo "${string,}"
$ echo "${string,,}"
a few words
$ echo "${string,,[aeiou]}"

$ string="A Few Words"
$ declare -l string
$ string=$string; echo "$string"
a few words

Out of curiosity, did you notice that there is a special variable statement that turns it into a high box or low box in the simple assignment? This is done through the declare of the variable.

In the answer from where I got the examples I found nothing that referenced the why of the pattern of the arguments of declare, but I found this to be extremely noteworthy:

The declare options change the attribute of the variable, but not the Contents. The reassignments in my examples update the Contents to show the changes.

In free translation:

The options of declare change the variable attribute, but not its content. Re-allocations in the examples update the content to show changes.

So why use -u for high cash and -l for low box? If you think in English, it is easier to remember:

  • drop box, lowercase, -l
  • high box, uppercase, -u

Then stay these mnemonics to help in the memorization of flags of variable declaration.


You can use awk to do this. Here’s an example. Put the line that converts into your script before you test it. Then test with $VAR instead of $1

    #$VAR recebe $1 convertido para maiusculas
    VAR=$(echo $1 | awk '{ print toupper($1) }')
    echo "Variavel em maiuscula: $VAR"
  • It is not wrong, but it is not necessary to create a new process to do this.

  • in fact, in shell, it is almost certain that a new process will be created - if not for this, for almost anything - awk may be Overkill, but for other reasons.

  • @jsbueno, there is a variable expansion that does this in Bash, which does not create a new process

  • In the references I’m finding, we use awk '{ print toupper($0) }', nay $1. For example:

  • I tested with awk '{ print toupper($0) }' and with awk '{ print toupper($1) }', I got the same results

  • 1

    @Jeffersonquesado - can’t put an answer there with no need for another process? It would be better anyway.

  • @jsbueno, I already put

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