How do I group Groupheader over more than one field?


Viewed 2,414 times


I am making a report in Fastreport that returns demonstrates the following fields:

codigo cliente  
nome cliente  
data do atendimento  
codigo atendente  
nome Atendente  
codigo atendimento  
motivo do atendimento

And needed to group the customer service/date/attendant showing the various customer service on the same day performed by a particular attendant grouped.

However in the groupheader of fastreport only allows selecting a single field (at least as I know it). How do I group through more than one field simultaneously?

1 answer


A simple alternative is to create a Field that is the concatenation of the information you need to group. For example:

cast(Cliente || Data || Atendente as varchar(100)) as agrupa

From there in groupheader you group by field agrupa.

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