Doubt in error . map is not a Function


Viewed 152 times


I created a table with 5 dropdowns, each one receiving its content from an api. But sometimes when the page reloads I get the error "filterL" is not a Function,in case it happens to any of . map I created but didn’t understand why I’m making this mistake. Can you help me understand? I’m new to React

The data I’m returning into the dropdowns is in this way for example in json:

Cdgrupo: 1,
Grupos: "VIDROS"
Cdgrupo: 2,
Grupos: "PVC"
Cdgrupo: 3,

Follows my code:

class App extends Component{

  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
        Linhas: [],
        ValorL: '',


componentDidMount() {



    .then(([res1, res2, res3, res4, res5]) => { 
       return Promise.all([res1.json(), res2.json(), res3.json(), res4.json(), res5.json()]) 

    .then(([res1, res2, res3, res4, res5]) => {
      this.setState({Produtos:res1, Grupos:res2, SubGrupos:res3, Fabricantes:res4, Linhas:res5})

      /*console.log("Produtos: " ,res1, "Grupos: " ,res2,"SubGrupos: " ,res3, "Fabricantes: " ,res4, "Linhas: ", res5,)*/


      //Montagem das informações vindas do banco dentro das combos.

    let grupo1 = this.state.Grupos
    let filterGP = =>
                <option key={Grupos.Cdgrupo} >{Grupos.Grupos}</option>);

    let filterSB = this.state.SubGrupos
    let prodsSub = =>
                <option key={SubGrupos.CdSubGrupo}>{SubGrupos.SubGrupo}</option>

    let filterL = this.state.Linhas
    let prodsL = =>
                <option key={Linhas.Cdlinha}>{Linhas.Linha}</option>

   let filterFab = this.state.Fabricantes
   let prodsFB = =>
                <option key={Fabricantes.Cdfabricante}>{Fabricantes.Fabricante}</option>


  return (
    <div className="App-header">

        <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}>
          <div className="containerPrincipal">

          <button type="submit" className='btn-buscar btn btn-success'>Filtrar</button>

          <Input type='select' className="comboGP" style={{minWidth:"220px", width:"220px", maxWidth:"220px"}}onClick={this.handleSelectChangeGP}>
          <option value=""  >Selecione um Grupo</option>

          <Input type='select' className="comboSB" style={{width:"380px", minWidth:"380px",maxWidth:"380px" }} onClick={this.handleSelectChangeSB}>
          <option  value=''  >Selecione um SubGrupo</option>

          <Input type='select' className="comboL" style={{width:"220px", minWidth:"220px", maxWidth:"220px"}} onClick={this.handleSelectChangeL}>
          <option  value=''  >Selecione uma Linha</option>

          <Input  type='select' className="comboFB"  style={{width:"450px", minWidth:"450px", maxWidth:"450px"}} onClick={this.handleSelectChangeFB} >
          <option  value=''  >Selecione um Fabicante</option>

        <table className="container-table">
              <th className='head'>Código</th>
              <th className='head'>Produto</th>
              <th className='head'>Fabricante</th>
              <th className='head'>Grupo</th>
              <th className='head'>SubGrupo</th>
              <th className='head'>Linha</th>
              <th className='head'>Preço</th>

            {dados.length ?
     => (



export default App;

inserir a descrição da imagem aqui

  • Maybe because the request takes a little longer and the code runs before the state is set? I suggest removing all code irrelevant to the question, keep only the requests and the map to make the question more compact, simple and understandable

  • @Thank you for the tip, I took back what I thought was unnecessary to show in the code. As for your answer, I did not understand it very well, can explain me better?

  • 1

    What @Costamilam meant is that the promise (Promise) did not receive what was promised in time... hence the object or array was not defined, it cannot map the data... and so the method breaks, and says that there is no such method. In the backend you have to bring an empty array, when you haven’t given, don’t forget it...

1 answer


Gabriel, what may be happening is that the answer is not coming as an array. See that the console presents a type error, IE, you did not receive an array but something else.

You have the option to, when giving setState put the answer inside the array, type, this.setState({ Linhas: [...res5] }) or check first if the answer comes as the same array.

  • Using the console.log what I’m returning comes in [ { json } ] format, I believe in the case I’m returning an object instead of an array, correct?

  • Possibly, Gabriel. But the data format that comes from Backend is always good to come by JSON even.

  • I get it. What is making me more confused is that most of the time it works normal, let’s say that every 5 times I give Reload on the page and the request is made only 1 or 2 that it returns me this error, the other times it receives the normal data and works all ok.

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