Two Apps the Same Bank


Viewed 49 times


I have two Apps are Delivery the two connect with each other from the restaurant and the other from the Customer where he can place orders and consult the menu, etc. My doubt is the following can I use the same database project Firebase or voou have to create two separate projects and connect them?

1 answer



You will have to encode in such a way that there cannot be two applications editing the same record.

The correct would be to have only one back-end where it will validate if the requests received are from the client application or the establishment application.

  • Yes yes I understood now they can not login with same email in the applications already the writing part will not have problem because the front-end itself will not allow this

  • 1

    The correct thing would be to have only one back-end for both applications and two front-end.

  • exactly what I will do obg

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