What’s different from jQuery’s find and filter?


Viewed 7,395 times


I remembered that there is a function in jQuery called filter. I already know the find, but I want to know if there’s any difference between them or if they’re the same thing.

4 answers



  • find finds the elements that meet the requested expression that are descendants selector.

  • filter, on the other hand, filter and return all elements matching the selector and also the filtered expression.


In the example below, a $('div').filter('.teste') will find the Block 1 and the Sub 3, for both are divs serving the filter by the class teste.

In turn, a $('div').find('.teste') will find only the Sub 3, for only inside the dial div of "Block 2" there is a descendant whose class is teste.

<div class="teste">
   Bloco 1
   <div class="limao">Sub 1</div>
   <div class="trevo">Sub 2</div>

<div class="pardo">
   Bloco 2
   <div class="teste">Sub 3</div>
   <div class="peixe">Sub 4</div>

Click here to see one example in Jsfiddle.

  • You can have two or more elements with the same id?! Whenever I did this [accidentally] the browser just ignored one of them, leading to all kinds of bugs. Or there’s something I’m not seeing?

  • 1

    @mgibsonbr The correct thing is not to use two Ids ever, actually. On the other hand, for DOM and Jquery purposes it is not a problem (even if you try to invent totally non-standard tags and attributes it works well). Maybe for the purposes of "OS didactics" it is the case that I exchange for class, taking advantage that I will make a better example in jsfiddle.

  • @mgibsonbr I made the exchange, I agree it is better not to give room for confusion even.


The function of find is to seek elements descendants of that selected(s), while the function of the filter is to create a subset of the elements themselves. Example:

<div id="div1" class="a top">
  <div id="sub1" class="b"></div>
  <div id="sub2" class="b"></div>
      <div id="sub3" class="b"></div>
<div class="b top"></div>
<div class="b top"></div>
<div id="div2" class="a top"></div>
<div id="div3" class="a top"></div>

The following code picks up sub1, sub2 and sub3:


Already the following code picks up div1, div2 and div3:


An alternative way to invoke the filter is passing a function as argument instead of a selector. This allows you to perform some more complicated logic by choosing whether or not a particular element will enter the requested subset:

$(".top").filter(function(indice) {
    var elemento = this, $elemento = $(this);
    return ...; // Se true, o elemento entra no resultado.
  • but a doubt, then filter is equal to is?

  • 3

    @Iagobruno Not exactly, the .is checks whether some element satisfies the condition, returning true (and potentially stopping work there, without consulting the rest). If none of them satisfies, returns false. The filter passes through all elements, and returns a new list (i.e. a new jQuery object) containing only the elements that satisfied the condition (or the empty list if none satisfies).

  • ah ta o/ and one more thing rsrs, what is the addBack for?

  • @Iagobruno That’s a little out of my league. addBack, andSelf, end etc handle something that jQuery calls a "stack" (stack [of sets]), and that changes every time you call a method in the jQuery object. The subject is complex, worth a separate question for it (incidentally, I think I’ll ask myself)

  • Haha ok and I saw it once and I didn’t look for it serves, thank you ^_^


Easy to understand summary using examples:

$('div a') returns the same as $('div').find('a')

$('body .teste strong') returns the same as $('body').find('.teste').find('strong')

$('.minhaClasse span') returns the same as $('.minhaClasse').find('span')

$('.foo .bar') returns the same as $('.foo').find('.bar')

$('div:gt(0)') returns the same as $('div').filter(':gt(0)')

$('div:hidden') returns the same as $('div').filter(':hidden')

$('div[data-teste]') returns the same as $('div').filter('[data-teste]')

$('a[title]') returns the same as $('a').filter('[title]')

$('option:selected') returns the same as $('option').filter(':selected')

$('.foo.bar') returns the same as $('.foo').filter('.bar')

Realized the difference?

The method filter reduces the current selector according to a filter, such as an attribute (href, name, value, src, data-*, for, maxlength, action, etc.), a pseudoclass (:Hidden, :Visible, :Hover, :active, :checked, :Selected, :Empty, etc.), among others.

The method find serves to find descending elements of the specified selector(s) (s)).


The find seeks us within an element, while the filter filters selected nodes with another selector.

$('div').find('p') looks for paragraphs within div’s, while $('div').filter('.a') selects only div’s with the CSS class "a".

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