Can the use of UUID as a document identifier and public query be considered a valid use case?


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I am developing an academic level project. The system consists of the creation of documents by the user. This document is registered so that the user can view it/print it whenever he wants, but also, people can consult such document as long as the owner gives him the identifier. Then, the person can enter the identifier into the system and view the document. It would be appropriate to register the documents in the database using UUID (Universally Unique Identifier) and this identifier serve as query code, ie the owner of the document can share passing for example, 123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426655440000, so that a person can have access to the document. I know that UUID is a good alternative to be used as an entity identifier key in a database, but does it apply as an external reference? If not, does anyone have any suggestions?

  • Yes, and no, it depends. UX is not very good, but it works.

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