How to filter relationships in Donis?


Viewed 330 times


I pass this query:

const filter = request.input('filter')
const queryBookQuestions =  BookUnitQuestion
                                    .with('book', (builder) => {

In this query I return all the books of a book unit with the object book_unit related to it, the user and bring only the questions of the book that receive as parameter (

Now I need to filter the questions by units. I have this filter that works correctly looking for the description of the question:

            if("description") !== -1){
                let description = filter.match(/(?<=description~contains~').*?(?=')/)
                queryBookQuestions.where('description', 'ilike', '%'+description[0]+'%')

This filter works well because I believe it is applied directly in the model BookUnitQuestion. But now, I need to filter the Unit, which is a relationship, that is, I need to return the questions that have only in the unit that I filter. I tried something like:

if("unit") !== -1){
                let unit = request.input('filter').match(/(?<=unit~contains~').*?(?=')/)

                queryBookQuestions.where('book_unit.unit', unit[0])}


But this way I get:

select Count(*) as "total" from "book_unit_question" Where "book_unit"." Unit" = $1 - Missing FROM-clause entry for table "book_unit"

1 answer


It seems a matter of the moment of processing the arguments. Try changing the Where to whereRaw. You must solve.

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