In white-space, what is the difference between pre, pre-line and pre-wrap options?


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I already know that when using white-space: nowrap, the text does not break when it exceeds the limit of a container. However, I noticed that this property in CSS has the options pre, pre-line and pre-wrap.

Of the last three, I would like to know the difference between one house. I would like some examples.

2 answers


The difference between each of the values is basically how to treat spaces.

In HTML, when there are 2 or more spaces in the source code, the browser renders as only 1 space, and breaks the line of text in the source code is also treated as 1 space. For example:

   texto1    texto2

See above that between "texto1" and "texto2" has 4 spaces, but the browser only renders 1 space.

And here when one text comes below the other, this "line break in the source code" between "text1" and "text2" is treated with 1 space:


This is the default HTML. However, if you apply white-space: pre in the div above, all spaces are rendered as they are in the source code, including indentation spaces and line breaks, see:

  white-space: pre;

It’s a kind of WYSIWYG (what you see is what you have).

In the case of pre-line is different. It deletes more than 1 space in only 1 space (which is normal in HTML) but keeps line breaks in the text as they are in the source code:

  width: 100px;
  border: 1px solid #000;
  white-space: pre-line;
    Lorem     ipsum dolor
    sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

See above that between the words "Lorem" and "ipsum" has 5 spaces, but is rendered only 1 space. It keeps the line breaking of the source code before the text (between the <div> and the beginning of the text). Note that at the beginning of the text there is a blank line that is the space generated by the indentation of the text in the div.

In the case of pre-wrap, spaces are preserved as they are in the source code, including the space at the beginning of the container, generating a new line before the text, because of the space between <div> and the beginning of the text:

  width: 100px;
  border: 1px solid #000;
  white-space: pre-wrap;
   Lorem     ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

In short:


Keeps spaces and line breaks as they are in the source code.


Keeps line breaks from source code and deletes more than 1 space in just 1.


Same thing from pre-line, but keeps the spaces as they are in the source code, without deletion.


Taken from the Mozilla website (my translation with some modifications to increase understanding) (

Values of white-space:

  • normal

    • Blank strings are broken. New line characters in HTML are treated the same as other blank spaces. Lines are broken as needed to fill the boxes.
  • nowrap

    • Breaks blank spaces like normal, but represses line breaks in HTML.
  • pre

    • Whitespace sequences are preserved. Lines are broken only in the new line characters at the source and in
  • pre-wrap

    • Whitespace sequences are preserved. Lines are broken with new line characters, with <br> and as necessary to fill the boxes.
  • pre-line

    • Blank strings are broken. Lines are broken with new line characters, with <br> and as needed to fill the line boxes.
  • break-spaces

    • Has identical behavior to pre-wrap, except that:

    • Any preserved blank space sequence always takes up space, including at the end of the line.

    • There is a line break opportunity after each blank character preserved, including between blank characters.

    • These preserved spaces occupy space and do not lock and therefore affect the intrinsic sizes of the box (minimum and maximum size).

More details on the website.

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