Windows server configuration (wamp) for different applications with subdomains


Viewed 42 times


I am developing PHP/Laravel applications and need to configure a local server to access different directories from the same domain, as in the examples below: --> Access an application x --> Access a y application

As I have no experience with windows server configuration or freedom to configure how I think best, I need to adapt to what was provided:

Windows server, running wamp with different directories for each application.

Some light?

  • It was closed, but worth the comment to, in case someone needs, know where to go. Configurei alias in apache, no . htaccess inside public insert line Rewritebase /application01 below Rewriteengine On and no . env APP_URL=http://localhost/application01

1 answer


opa, I am using wamp too, take your project (application) folder and put inside the "WWW" folder inside the wamp server folder, it is located in the local disc C: wamp64 www

put the folder in there, then you go in the browser and type: localhost/sua_folder/sua_application.php

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