Get specific value in a txt file


Viewed 75 times


I am trying to get two specific values on each line of a txt file. As an example:

15/06/2016  R$ 638,69   R$ 2.562,46
15/07/2016  R$ 672,43   R$ 2.533,51
15/08/2016  R$ 658,93   R$ 2.504,75
15/09/2016  R$ 1.362,28   R$ 2.471,80
15/10/2016  R$ 1.342,20   R$ 2.435,41
15/11/2016  R$ 1.321,80   R$ 2.398,40

I need to get from each line the two values ex: "R$ 638,69" and "R$ 2,562,46", but as the values can change from cents to millions. There is no way I can read the string by position! I tried to mount a regexbut without success. Someone with a better idea?

    if (FileUpload1.HasFile)
                    using (StreamReader texto = new StreamReader(FileUpload1.FileContent))
                        while ((mensagem = texto.ReadLine()) != null)
    for (int i = 0; i < mensagemLinha.Count; i++)
                        string re1 = "()";  
                        string re2 = ".*?"; 
                        string re3 = "(\\$)";  
                        string re4 = "( )"; 
                        string re5 = ".*?"; 
                        string re6 = "(,)"; 
                        string re7 = ".*?"; 
                        string re8 = "(R)"; 
                        string re9 = "(\\$)";  
                        string re10 = "( )";    
                        string re11 = ".*?";    
                        string re12 = "(\\.)"; 
                        string re13 = ".*?";   
                        string re14 = "(,)";

                        Regex rex = new Regex(re1 + re2 + re3 + re4 + re5 + 
                        re6 + re7 + re8 + re9 + re10 + re11 + re12 + 
                        re13 + re14, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);

                        Match valores = rex.Match((mensagemLinha[i].ToString()));

                        lblArq.Text += valores ;
  • 3

    If the information is this take the given by the position he is in.

  • @Maniero the positions are not fixed, depending on the decimal places the blocking position is changed. Note that the position of the values of lines 4,5,6 were shifted.

2 answers


As Maniero said, "If the information is this take the given by the position he is in".

That is, by the example you have published, it is not necessary to use a regex.

using System;
using static System.Console;

class MainClass 
    public static void Main (string[] args) 
        var linhasArquivo = new [] 
            "15/06/2016  R$ 638,69   R$ 2.562,46",
            "15/07/2016  R$ 672,43   R$ 2.533,51",
            "15/08/2016  R$ 658,93   R$ 2.504,75",
            "15/09/2016  R$ 1.362,28   R$ 2.471,80",
            "15/10/2016  R$ 1.342,20   R$ 2.435,41",
            "15/11/2016  R$ 1.321,80   R$ 2.398,40",
            "15/11/2016  R$ 789.785.987.498,40   R$ 287.654.987.498,40",

        foreach(var linha in linhasArquivo)
            var firstIndex = linha.IndexOf("R$") + 3; // +3 para contar o símbolo + espaço
            var lastIndex = linha.LastIndexOf("R$") + 3;

            var valor2 = linha.Substring(lastIndex);
            // Qualquer coisa a partir do último 'R$ '
            var valor1 = linha.Substring(firstIndex, linha.Length - firstIndex - valor2.Length - 3 - 3) ;
            // Qualquer coisa a partir do primeiro 'R$ ', até o próximo espaço

            WriteLine($"{valor1} - {valor2} ");

See working on

  • 1

    If you don’t mind, I used the same data you mocked to make another example but with regex. :)

  • @Georgewurthmann Be my guest.


With regex could do so:

using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Linq;
using static System.Console;

class MainClass 
    public static void Main (string[] args) 
        var linhasArquivo = new [] 
            "15/06/2016  R$ 638,69   R$ 2.562,46",
            "15/07/2016  R$ 672,43   R$ 2.533,51",
            "15/08/2016  R$ 658,93   R$ 2.504,75",
            "15/09/2016  R$ 1.362,28   R$ 2.471,80",
            "15/10/2016  R$ 1.342,20   R$ 2.435,41",
            "15/11/2016  R$ 1.321,80   R$ 2.398,40",
            "15/11/2016  R$ 789.785.987.498,40   R$ 287.654.987.498,40",

        foreach(var linha in linhasArquivo)
            MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(linha, @"(?:R\$\s?)(\d*\.*)*\d*,\d+");
            Console.WriteLine($"Achou {matches.Count} ocorrências...");

            var arrValues = matches.Cast<Match>()
                            .Select(m => m.Value)
            //faça um foreach aqui se for necessário
            Console.WriteLine($"valor 1 = {arrValues[0]}");
            Console.WriteLine($"valor 2 = {arrValues[1]}");

Also I put in to see working.

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