Run a Spring Batch job several times


Viewed 547 times


By default, Spring Batch does not allow you to execute a job that already has a complete execution with the same parameters. If you try to run, get the message:

"A job instance already exists and is complete for Parameters={Baz=Quix, foo=bar}. If you want to run this job Again, change the Parameters."

The problem is that I need to run the same batch several times a day, thinking about it, I used the incrementer quoted in the official documentation:

public class BatchConfiguration {
  private JobBuilderFactory jobBuilderFactory;
  private StepBuilderFactory stepBuilderFactory;

  public Job job() {
    return this.jobBuilderFactory
        new RunIdIncrementer()

  public Step step1() {
    return this.stepBuilderFactory
      .get("step1").tasklet((stepContribution, chunkContext) -> {
        System.out.println("Step1 ran today!");
        return RepeatStatus.FINISHED;

What it does is generate a parameter automatically. It is as if you are passing different parameters to allow re-export. If I run the job directly, it works, it actually generates the and allows re-experience. The problem is when I try to run it with a Joblauncher:

public class JobLaunchingController {
  private JobLauncher jobLauncher;
  private ApplicationContext context;

  @PostMapping(path = "/run")
  public ExitStatus runJob(@RequestBody JobLaunchRequest request) throws Exception {
    Job job = this.context.getBean(request.getName(), Job.class);
    return, request.getJobParameters()).getExitStatus();

He ignores the incrementer and uses only the parameters I passed to the run.

How do I get him to summon the incrementer when I run the job with Joblauncher? I don’t want to have to create the parameter run id. at hand, since I set up the job to create it for me through the incrementer.

1 answer


To invoke the incrementer, it is only necessary to call the getNextJobParameters. For this, it is also necessary to inject the jobExplorer. Would look like this:

public class JobLaunchingController {
  private JobLauncher jobLauncher;
  private JobExplorer jobExplorer;
  private ApplicationContext context;

  @PostMapping(path = "/run")
  public ExitStatus runJob(@RequestBody JobLaunchRequest request) throws Exception {
    Job job = this.context.getBean(request.getName(), Job.class);

    JobParameters jobParameters = new JobParametersBuilder(request.getJobParameters(), this.jobExplorer).getNextJobParameters(job)

    return, jobParameters).getExitStatus();

The parameters are constructed by JobParameterBuilder according to what was passed in the request and in the jobExplorer, which will generate the increment parameter configured in the job by invoking the getNextJobParameters.

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