Error integrating document into inventory V10


Viewed 94 times


Good afternoon, I have a routine that creates sales documents that already worked on V9 and I recently migrated to V10.

The problem is that when doing the Update and when I have articles with series treatment gives the following error:

Error integrating Document into Inventory. Unrecognized Guid format.

Here is the serial number insertion code:

                For Each dtrow As DataRow In Session("dtNumSerie").Select("IdLinha = '" & idlinha & "'")

                    count = count + 1

                    Dim numeroserie As New BasBENumeroSerie

                    numeroserie.Manual = 1
                    numeroserie.Modulo = "V"
                    numeroserie.NumeroSerie = dtrow("NumSerie")



Does anyone have a suggestion of what might be?

Thank you.

1 answer


Good afternoon, on the V10 all serial numbers have an identifier, missing indicate it.

numeroserie.ID = "<Guid>"
  • Solved, thank you!

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