Android only fills product value in version 4.1.1


Viewed 38 times


First of all Good afternoon, everyone.

Secondly, I confess that I do not know how to explain, but I will try to talk here what happens.

My app searches the data in Sqlite the same way, and returns the same data, but has a field, and only one field, that in Android 7 is not filled, it is zeroed, on the other hand in Android 4 the field comes filled with the correct value, I downloaded both databases and I ran sql manually, and it brings the same result, with the value filled.

It is a product that has a field ("precoPromocao") if it is > 0 is made a highlight for the promotion draw attention in the app. NOTE: This only happens in one of the subsidiaries, in the other the product is put on sale normally.

NOTE: I was not the one who made the app.

OBS2: Any more information you need to help me comment below what put here.

@Edit1: I will try to be a little more specific. - I have an SQL that returns a list of products and one of the columns is called "precoPromocao" with default "0" which is the value placed when a product is on sale (obvious). - I have this IF:

   if(produto.getPrecoPromocao() > 0){
   // Código que exibe e destaca o preço em promoção
   } else {
   //Exibe o preço normalmente

Summarizing: In Android 4.1.1 the table field is filled with the correct value but in Android 7 it comes zeroed.


@Edit2: How do I see the returned data inside the cursor? I couldn’t find

  • It is probably related to something that was depreciated in the more modern versions of the SDK and that in version 4 was functional. Only debugging the app and examining the depreciation log to know.

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