Return Query result to a variable - Classic Asp


Viewed 215 times


It is possible to return the result of a query to a variable in the classic Asp?


    dim retorno as string
    set minha_conexao =
    set rs = minha_conexao.execute("Select max(data) from minha_tabela")

At this point the query return will only be a value, as I do to assign this information to a variable.

I tried to make the set return = rs(0), however it is not returning.

  • He even tried the rs.fields(0)?

  • also brings no return

  • @Lepy Tried rs("Nomedacoluna") ?

1 answer


I suggest we do so:

set rs = minha_conexao.execute("Select max(data) as max_data from minha_tabela")
retorno = rs("max_data")

So you put in the return variable the value of the recordset that the query returns. Did you understand? Abs! LC

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