I’m trying to get the images from mongodb database, via api I did in nodejs, but it doesn’t work at all, and still presents this error here.
Invalid argument(s): No host specified in URI file:///1573130697077_login_enabled.PNG
When the exception was thrown, this was the stack
#0 _HttpClient._openUrl (dart:_http/http_impl.dart:2191:9)
#1 _HttpClient.getUrl (dart:_http/http_impl.dart:2122:48)
#2 NetworkImage._loadAsync
<asynchronous suspension>
#3 NetworkImage.load
Image provider: NetworkImage("1573130697077_login_enabled.PNG", scale: 1.0)
Image key: NetworkImage("1573130697077_login_enabled.PNG", scale: 1.0)
From all the research I’ve done, I realized that I’m just taking the picture, instead of taking her address. I tried to pass this address in several ways, but I still couldn’t.
I’ll be running down all the codes involved:
no Node is like this:
var date = new Date();
time_stamp = date.getTime();
var url_imagem = time_stamp + '_' + req.files.caminho_foto.originalFilename;
var path_origem = req.files.caminho_foto.path;
var path_destino = './images/' + url_imagem;
fs.rename(path_origem, path_destino, function(err){
res.status(500).json({error: err});
async function salvaMedico(){
const medicos = new Medicos({
nome: req.body.nome,
formacao: req.body.formacao,
crm: req.body.crm,
cidade: req.body.cidade,
caminho_foto: url_imagem
//data_atualizacao: null
and on the flutter
margin: new EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 16.0),
alignment: FractionalOffset.centerLeft,
child: new Container(
height: 50,
width: 50,
child: Image.network(
snapshot?.data[index]?.caminhoFoto ?? '',
fit: BoxFit.cover
This last code is inside a Listview that is inside a Futurebuilder.
Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this?
No host specified
I think you need a hostname and probably password to work. I made a json API and tried to pull by nodejs, and presented this same error– riki481
Consumes your API by some other client (browser, Postman, etc). Take the URL it returns and try to access, if it doesn’t work like this, the problem is not of flutter.
– Julio Henrique Bitencourt
@Juliohenriquebitencourt in both Postman and browser returns the data
– Localiza Med
@riki481 as it managed to solve?
– Localiza Med
returns the data, but what data returns exactly? You can take this URL and access it through the browser?
– Julio Henrique Bitencourt
@Juliohenriquebitencourt returns in JSON format
– Localiza Med
@Localizamed you do not need to undo the changes made by someone in your question, if I modified it is to make it cleaner.
– Matheus Ribeiro
Could you use a print to show what returns from the snapshot.data[]. pathFoto ? I also need to know what you call the webservice and what it returns in the attribute 'wayFoto'
– Matheus
@Localizamed I know it obviously returns a JSON... What I asked you was the exact value returned in the field, and if you copy that URL (which I assume is a URL in a valid format that your API is returning), you can paste it into the browser and access that image.
– Julio Henrique Bitencourt
@Localizamed this is the problem, I could not solve
– riki481