Good morning guys, I’m trying to learn the C language, and I’m making a program to register customers without using a database, I need to save the data (such as name, address, phone, email and password), in a.txt file, my code is like this so far:
#include <stdio.h>
int main ()
FILE * pFile;
int n;
char nome[50];
char endereco[150];
char telefone[12];
char email[100];
char senha[20];
pFile = fopen ("myfile.txt","a");
for (n=0 ; n<6 ; n++)
if(n == 0){
puts ("Digite seu nome: ");
gets (nome);
fprintf (pFile, "Nome %d [%-100.100s]\n",nome);
if(n == 1){
puts ("Digite seu endereco: ");
gets (endereco);
fprintf (pFile, "Endereco %d [%-100.100s]\n",endereco);
if(n == 2){
puts ("Digite seu telefone: ");
gets (telefone);
fprintf (pFile, "Telefone %d [%-10.10s]\n",telefone);
if(n == 3){
puts ("Digite seu email: ");
gets (email);
fprintf (pFile, "Email %d [%-100.10S0s]\n",email);
if(n == 4){
puts ("Digite sua senha: ");
gets (senha);
fprintf (pFile, "Senha %d [%-10.10s]\n",senha);
if(n == 5){
puts ("Cliente cadastrado com sucesso!");
fclose (pFile);
return 0;
Giving a researched found the fgets() but I didn’t understand how to use it (and I don’t even know if I should actually use it). I know it’s a very basic thing but I’m having a lot of difficulty, I appreciate the help!
According to the link that commented here I managed to progress in the project, however the program is not really saving the data in 'Myfile.txt' they are appearing so:
Name 2686726 [MZ
]Address 2686576 [MZ
]Telephone 2686564 [MZ ]
Email 2686464 [Password 2686444 [MZ ]
Would anyone have any solution or other site I might be studying more on the subject!
Related: How to read from stdin in C?
– Jorge B.
Do you want the fields in your output file to have a fixed size or do you want there to be a separator character between the fields? Your scanf commands for strings are wrong. See here the description and example of the use of the fprintf function: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cstdio/fprintf/
– anonimo
I didn’t quite understand the question but (pq really I’m right at the beginning) but I need to have space between them, because it will be written the full name, address and etc, I will take a look at the site you sent, thank you very much
– lelis419
On your fprintf if you are printing a string (for example: name) for what reason do you put the format specification %d (which is the format for integer numbers)? Idem for other strings. Try to put only %s and, if applicable, later you increase the format to a more suitable layout.
– anonimo
Thank you very much, as I said I’m learning C now and I didn’t even call in %d, I switched for %s and this working, the only problem now is that it saves the data and then adds the "[MZ ]" at the end you would know how to remove it ??
– lelis419
alias got here, thank you again for the help
– lelis419