How to disable an input field after ticking a checkbox?


Viewed 74 times


Hello, folks, I would like to know how to enable / disable an input field after user select an option in a checkbox?

My form has a question and if the user selects the "No" checkbox, I would like to disable the following field:

<ul class="nav">
         <label>Possui Dependentes?</label>
            <input type="checkbox" id="checkDependentesSim" name="Dependentes[1][]"> Sim
            <input type="checkbox" id="checkDependentesNao" name="Dependentes[1][]"> Não
      <!-- Quero que o input nessa div fique habilitado caso o usuário selecione "Sim",
      senão, fica 'disabled' -->
         <label>Quantidade de Dependentes</label>
         <input type="text" required style="border: solid 0.5px #000; width: 300px; height: 37px;">

I already have a JS that unchecks one option if the user chooses the other (uncheck "Yes" if the user clicks "No", and vice versa):

$("input:checkbox").on('click', function() {
   var $box = $(this);
   if ($":checked")) {
      var group = "input:checkbox[name='" + $box.attr("name") + "']";
      $(group).prop("checked", false);
      $box.prop("checked", true);
   } else {
      $box.prop("checked", false);

I need a JS function to check, when the user clicks the checkbox, whether the next field will be disabled or not.

  • What is your level of javascript knowledge, Renan?

  • Basic, man... I can say that I am beginner, at most, going to intermediate. But beginner still! Hehe

  • To begin with I believe the principle is wrong, what you need is an input:radio, not input:checkbox. The radio already comes with this option to uncheck the other.

  • All right, that’s a good suggestion... But still, I would need a function to enable / disable the next field, right?

  • Important [Dit] and make clear the part that has the difficulty (what tried, and what came out different than expected). Reducing the code to a [mcve] helps a lot.

  • Someone blocked the answer system for this question so I’ll help you with the comments.

  • Gee, that’s too bad... I don’t do well on this site. :(

  • What you need to do is put or remove the disblaed or readonly attribute in the field, like this: $('#idQtdDepending'). attr('disabled','disabled'); Automatic.

  • 1

    I was formulating an answer. It’s beginner’s question, he has to use a radio in place of checkbox, create a css with that class.disabled {&#xA; pointer-events: none;&#xA; opacity: 0.4;&#xA;} and in the JS depending on the value of radio use addClass("disabled") or removeClass("disabled")

  • Augusto gave a good suggestion too.

  • @Renan make the javascript code cleaner, and take the comments in English, which will be reopened.

  • I took the comments, @Augustovasques, thanks! What if I use radio with the style of the checkbox, is there a way? And how do I check the value of radio in JS? It would look something like this: var checkBoxSim = Document.getElementById("checkSim"); if (checkBoxSim.checked === true) { // blablablabla } ?

  • 1

    Although I don’t think this is a very good question, I still think it is responsive and valid. I voted for the reopening.

  • 1

    I create an example here for you take a look if it is more or less this

  • Since you will use yes or no, why not just use a checkbox, in case it is checked it is yes and unchecked no?

  • 1

    Thanks, guys, I managed to solve using a simpler function... Still, thank you all for your help!

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