Function does not recognize variable


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p1pos = 0
def rodada(a):
    if a == 1:
        p1pos += sortear()
        print('Posição do P1: ', p1pos)
        acerto = pergunta()
        if p1pos in cAvanco and acerto == True:
            p1pos += 1
            print('Mais uma casa. P1: ', p1pos)
        elif p1pos in cRetro and acerto == True:
            p1pos = p1pos
            print('Casa de retrocesso. Mas você acertou. P1: ', p1pos)
        elif p1pos in cRetro and acerto == False:
            p1pos -= 1
            print('Você errou em uma casa de retrocesso. Posição P1: ', p1pos)
            print('Casa neutra, sua posição continua a mesma. P1: ', p1pos)

Error: Unboundlocalerror: local variable 'p1pos' referenced before assignment

  • The variable is defined outside the scope of the function, so it is read-only, you cannot change its content and hence the error. You can send it as an argument of its function, play all the logic inside a class or else (something little recommended) declare it as global.

  • If I put var as argument, when calling the function, it will be able to edit the value of the variable that is outside the function?

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